Does Golang support method overloading?

The short answer is No. We cannot achieve method overloading in Golang, at least not in a conventional sense.

Go language doesn’t have classes and objects, but methods in Golang can be used to achieve a version of method overloading. We are talking about methods and not functions, as these two are different concepts in Java.

Let’s see how we can use methods to achieve a version of method overloading. As we know, methods have a receiver type within their definitions, and the receiver type values are used to call a method.

Now, let’s try to calculate the area of a circle, a square, and a rectangle using the Area() method.

Calculate the Area of different shapes

First, we will be creating different structs for different shapes.

type Circle struct {
	radius float64

type Square struct {
	side float64

type Rectangle struct {
	length float64
	width  float64

Now, we will make method Area for each of the struct types.

func (circle Circle) Area() float64 {
	return (3.14) * circle.radius * circle.radius

func (square Square) Area() float64 {
	return square.side * square.side

func (rectangle Rectangle) Area() float64 {
	return rectangle.length * rectangle.width

We can see that the method for all types is Area() with the same number of arguments and the same return type.

Below is our whole program to calculate the area of each shape.

package main

import "fmt"

type Circle struct {
	radius float64

type Square struct {
	side float64

type Rectangle struct {
	length float64
	width  float64

func (circle Circle) Area() float64 {
	return (3.14) * circle.radius * circle.radius

func (square Square) Area() float64 {
	return square.side * square.side

func (rectangle Rectangle) Area() float64 {
	return rectangle.length * rectangle.width

func main() {

	circle := Circle{radius: 4}
	square := Square{side: 5}
	rectangle := Rectangle{length: 3, width: 4}

	fmt.Println("Area of circle:", circle.Area())
	fmt.Println("Area of sqaure:", square.Area())
	fmt.Println("Area of rectangle:", rectangle.Area())


Output –

Area of circle: 50.24
Area of sqaure: 25
Area of rectangle: 12

In this way, we can achieve functionality similar to method overloading in other programming languages.

If you want to know about methods in go language, we suggest you read this article.

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