Golang Nested Structs ( Nested structs in Golang )

We discussed Golang struct in our previous post, and this post talks about the nested structs in Golang.

We can also have a field in the struct that itself is a struct. These kinds of structs will be called nested structs, as one struct contains the other. The nesting can be done up to any level(s).

Let’s look at the 1-level nesting right now. We will create a Company struct containing another struct, “Employee“.

Employee struct

type Employee struct {
	firstName string
	lastName  string
	age       int
	height    float64

Company struct

type Company struct {
	department string
	employee   Employee

Now, we can access the Employee struct from the Company struct using the infamous dot operator.

package main

import (

type Employee struct {
	firstName string
	lastName  string
	age       int
	height    float64

type Company struct {
	department string
	employee   Employee

func main() {

	employee1 := Employee{"codekru", "website", 22, 167.12} // defining the employee struct

	company1 := Company{"CS", employee1} // defining the company struct

	fmt.Println("Employee Details:", company1.employee) // accessing the employee struct using the dot operator


Output –

Employee Details: {codekru website 22 167.12}
How to access the fields of a nested struct?

We can access the individual fields of the inner struct from the outer struct by using the chaining of the dot operator. So, we can use the company1.employee.age to access the age field of the Employee from the company struct.

package main

import (

type Employee struct {
	firstName string
	lastName  string
	age       int
	height    float64

type Company struct {
	department string
	employee   Employee

func main() {

	employee1 := Employee{"codekru", "website", 22, 167.12} // defining the employee struct

	company1 := Company{"CS", employee1} // defining the company struct

	fmt.Println("Employee age:", company1.employee.age) // accessing the employee struct using the dot operator


Output –

Employee age: 22
Multi-level Nested Structs

Let’s take one more struct, “Address“, which will be a field of the “Employee” struct. So, here Company struct contains the Employee struct, and the Employee struct further nests the Address struct. This is what we call a Multi-level Nested Structs.

The Company struct can access the fields of the Address struct using the dot operator.

package main

import (

type Address struct {
	state   string
	country string

type Employee struct {
	firstName string
	lastName  string
	age       int
	height    float64
	address   Address

type Company struct {
	department string
	employee   Employee

func main() {

	addressOfEmployee := Address{"Delhi", "India"} // defining the address struct

	employee1 := Employee{"codekru", "website", 22, 167.12, addressOfEmployee} // defining the employee struct

	company := Company{"CS", employee1} // defining the company struct

	fmt.Println("Employee address:", company.employee.address) // accessing the address using the dot operator
	fmt.Println("Employee Country:", company.employee.address.country)


Output –

Employee address: {Delhi India}
Employee Country: India

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