Earlier, we discussed the structs in Golang and how they can be used in Golang. Structs coupled with methods provide the functionality of classes in object-oriented languages to some extent. There is one more feature of interfaces that few languages have, and Golang also has interfaces though its implementation might differ from other languages like Java.
An interface in Golang is a set of method signatures only, and the type providing the implementation of those methods is said to be implementing the interface.
This post will look at below points –
- How to create an interface
- How to implement an interface
- Multiple types implementing the interface
- Benefits of using interfaces
- How to use interfaces in the program
Let’s look at each point one by one.
How to create an interface
Below is the syntax used to create or declare an interface.
type interface_name interface{
//method signatures
method2() string

An interface will contain only the method signatures and not their implementations. The type will provide the implementation or, we can say, the definition of the methods.
How to implement an interface in golang
Let’s create an interface first, and then we can see how we can implement the methods of an interface.
// interface
type Shape interface {
area() float64
perimeter() float64
Now, a type implementing the above interface has to implement both methods. Many languages require us to say that a type explicitly satisfies or implements an interface.
But we don’t need to do that in Golang. If a type implements all the methods of an interface, then Golang automatically assumes that the type implements the interface.
So, let’s create a struct type “Circle” to implement the “Shape” interface.
// "Circle" type
type Circle struct {
radius float64
// Method implementations
func (c Circle) area() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return (pie) * (c.radius) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) perimeter() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return 2 * (pie) * (c.radius)
As the “Circle” type implements both methods of the “Shape” interface, so, Golang will automatically assume that “Circle” implements “Shape” without explicitly having to say it.
Multiple types implementing a single interface
Right now, only a single type has implemented the interface, but it is not restricted to only one. Any number of types can implement an interface which is illustrated below.
Let’s create one more type, “Rectangle“, which will implement the interface.
type Rectangle struct {
length float64
breadth float64
func (r Rectangle) area() float64 {
return r.length * r.breadth
func (r Rectangle) perimeter() float64 {
return 2 * (r.length + r.breadth)
So, now we have two types implementing a single interface.
// "Shape" interface
type Shape interface {
area() float64
perimeter() float64
// "Circle" type
type Circle struct {
radius float64
func (c Circle) area() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return (pie) * (c.radius) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) perimeter() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return 2 * (pie) * (c.radius)
// "Rectangle" type
type Rectangle struct {
length float64
breadth float64
func (r Rectangle) area() float64 {
return r.length * r.breadth
func (r Rectangle) perimeter() float64 {
return 2 * (r.length + r.breadth)
Benefits of using interfaces
- Interfaces are used to achieve abstraction. They can be used to hide the information wherever necessary.
- An interface can help in code maintenance. If a new type implements an interface, it won’t require any code or logic change in a program. Only the type has to provide its implementation of the methods. In this way, we can easily maintain the code.
- Interfaces in golang can also be used to achieve loose coupling. We can replace a piece of code in a loosely coupled code without affecting the whole structure.
How to use interfaces in a program
Now, we have created an interface and also the types implementing it. Now, we will see how we can use the interface in a program.
We can create the variable or reference of the interface and point it to any type implementing it.
- create the variable of an interface
var shape Shape;
- Point the variable to the type object implementing the interface
shape = Circle{
radius: 2,
// Or we can also do it this way
circle = Circle{
radius: 2,
shape = circle
We can use the variable to call interface methods, which will call the implementation provided by the type to which we are pointing the interface variable.
shape.area() // this will call "Circle" type method implementation
Let’s write the whole program.
package main
import "fmt"
// "Shape" interface
type Shape interface {
area() float64
perimeter() float64
// "Circle" type
type Circle struct {
radius float64
func (c Circle) area() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return (pie) * (c.radius) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) perimeter() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return 2 * (pie) * (c.radius)
// "Rectangle" type
type Rectangle struct {
length float64
breadth float64
func (r Rectangle) area() float64 {
return r.length * r.breadth
func (r Rectangle) perimeter() float64 {
return 2 * (r.length + r.breadth)
func main() {
var shape Shape // making a variable
// pointing the variable to "Circle" type
shape = Circle{
radius: 2,
fmt.Println("Area of circle: ", shape.area())
// re-pointing the variable to "Rectangle" type
shape = Rectangle{
length: 2,
breadth: 3,
fmt.Println("Area of rectangle: ", shape.area())
Output –
Area of circle: 12.56
Area of rectangle: 6
So, this is how we can use an interface in our program.
What if a type implements all methods of an interface plus some methods of its own?
We will create a new method in the “Circle” type, which is not declared by the “Shape” interface.
// "Circle" type
type Circle struct {
radius float64
func (c Circle) area() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return (pie) * (c.radius) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) perimeter() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return 2 * (pie) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) displayRadius() {
fmt.Println("Radius of circle: ", c.radius)
Now, the displayRadius() method is not declared by the interface, which gives rise to a couple of questions –
- Is the “Circle” type still considered to be implementing the “Shape” interface?
- And, can we call the displayRadius() method using the interface’s variable or reference?
Let’s answer them one by one.
Is the “Circle” type still considered to be implementing the “Shape” interface?
Yes. Because the “Circle” type implements all methods of the “Shape” interface, which satisfies the requirements of implementing an interface. We can still use the interface’s variable to call the implementation provided by the “Circle” type.
package main
import "fmt"
// "Shape" interface
type Shape interface {
area() float64
perimeter() float64
// "Circle" type
type Circle struct {
radius float64
func (c Circle) area() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return (pie) * (c.radius) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) perimeter() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return 2 * (pie) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) displayRadius() {
fmt.Println("Radius of circle: ", c.radius)
func main() {
var shape Shape // making a variable
// pointing the variable to "Circle" type
shape = Circle{
radius: 2,
fmt.Println("Area of circle: ", shape.area())
Output –
Area of circle: 12.56
Can we call the displayRadius() method using the interface’s variable or reference?
No. Using the interface’s variable, we cannot call such methods not declared by the interface.
package main
import "fmt"
// "Shape" interface
type Shape interface {
area() float64
perimeter() float64
// "Circle" type
type Circle struct {
radius float64
func (c Circle) area() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return (pie) * (c.radius) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) perimeter() float64 {
pie := 3.14
return 2 * (pie) * (c.radius)
func (c Circle) displayRadius() {
fmt.Println("Radius of circle: ", c.radius)
func main() {
var shape Shape // making a variable
// pointing the variable to "Circle" type
shape = Circle{
radius: 2,
fmt.Println("Area of circle: ", shape.displayRadius())
Output –
shape.displayRadius undefined (type Shape has no field or method displayRadius)
We hope that you liked the article. If you have any doubts or concerns, please feel free to write us in the comments or mail us at admin@codekru.com.
There are a few more topics in interfaces which we have covered in separate posts –