How to install the Apache Tomcat server on the machine?

This post will look at how we can install the apache tomcat server on mac and window using some very simple steps.

Let’s look at them one by one.

Installing Apache Tomcat on Mac

Click on the zip link to download apache tomact zip file
  • Uncompress the downloaded file and move it to any convenient location.
  • Go to the apache tomcat folder.
  • There, you will see a bunch of folders.
  • Make the scripts in the bin subfolder executable by running the command: chmod +x bin/*.sh
  • Launch Tomcat using the script. Use command bin/ run
  • Tomcat runs on the 8080 port by default. Go to http://localhost:8080/ to check whether it’s working.

You should see the below page.

Apache introduction page

Installing Apache Tomcat on Windows

Click on the service installer to download apache
  • Launch and complete the installation.
  • Tomcat runs on the 8080 port by default. Go to http://localhost:8080/ to check whether it’s working.

We hope that you will be able to run the apache tomcat server on your machine now. If you have any doubts or concerns, please feel free to write us in the comments or mail us at

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